Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Rove investigated?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Guns on campus...yeah, that's a good idea.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Fox News High School Fair and Balanced: We Censor We Decide
I also found a certain amount of humor in the fact that he was concerned about political balance but the last production they did in the fall was Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Does anyone else smell a whiff of irony? Maybe this guy needs a vocab quiz on the word "Allegory"
Friday, March 9, 2007
Oh Newt...
Listen, I don't really care that much about what you do in your life from a relationship standpoint. Relationships are hard. But don't come to me from the moral high ground. Life is a struggle for us all. Marriage is a challenge to everyone, but shouldn't everyone have the right to accept that challenge? How can Newt say gay marriage is wrong? It's not like his straight marriages have a great track record. Guiliani used to be pro-gay rights, now that he's running for the GOP nomination it appears that he is changing his tune? Why? is it to protect the children Rudy? Maybe you should have thought of that before you publicly humiliated your spouse by having your girlfriend live in your home at the same time.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Does anyone really care about this?
So his Great-great-great-great-grandfather and his great-great-great-great-great-grandmother on his mother's side owned slaves...is there any relevane to life in 2007 to any of this? Just so you know I feel the same way about stories about Mitt Romney's grandfather being a polygamist. I mean we're talking about people long dead relatives. Here's the thing, do you think of we elect Romney he's going to legalize Polygamy? Is Obama going to legalize slavery? At least if they're going to waste their time digging into the past can they do it relative to the candidate and not some relative who's pushing up daisies?
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Rebuke Bush NOLA
Mr. President: Katrina Survivors Do Not Welcome You, We Rebuke You!
We live in a devastated city and you are a big part of the reason why it sill sits in ruins. Your administration has abandoned our children by savaging their public schools. Your administration has tortured our working class people by refusing to reopen the city’s public housing developments. And your administration is fully complicit in placing our uninsured in harms way by ruthlessly pursuing the privatization of local public healthcare in the aftermath of Katrina. And, finally your administration is guilty of sending our sons and daughters of to war for oil and empire just when we need them most to help us rebuild our community.
Mr. President, we, Katrina Survivors all, do not welcome you to our city, we rebuke you!
Sponsored by Survivors Village, United Front For Affordable Housing.
(504) 587-0080
If you have a blog please consider posting this today.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Al Gore Energy Whore?
has come forth with the assertion that Gore's 10,000 sq/ft home in Nashville, TN consumes nearly 20x the national average and significantly more than the average Nashville home. Gore's consumption last year was something like 191,000 KW/Hrs to 15,600 KW/Hrs for the average Nashville home, that is at least according to the TCPR which claims to be an independant think tank though it has strong ties to the right wing. It's founder/President Drew Johnson cut his teeth at The American Enterprise Institute and notorious conservative think tank out of Washington, DC. He has also worked for right wing media outlets like The Wall Street Journal and The National Review in addition to being seen often on Fox News.
Here's the thing, even if we accept those numbers as fact (the Nashville utility claims no request for information was ever submitted)
, what do they really mean? Gore's 10,000 sq/ft. home used more energy than the avg. Nashville household...ok, here's a question; just how big is the average Nashville how? Well according to this story the average single family home sold in Middle Tennessee is about 2,000 sq/ft. about 1/5th the size of Gore's home. Of course that's only single family homes, this does not include the 33% of Nashville residents who rent apartments, condos, trailers, etc which we all no are generally smaller than single family homes. Now even taking this into account Gore's home uses considerably more energy than the average Nashville home per sq/ft so why not say this in their attack on Gore? Well maybe it has to do with the nature of what Gore's home is used for? Gore and his wife both run their home offices out of the home, that in and of itself could account for a sizeable increase in energy usage.
Regardless, Gore puchases Carbon Offsets and invests in renewable energy research so while he may not live the perfect green life, he is doing a lot to try to improve the world around him.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Oops, Deval
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Neo-Con Humor
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Callahan v. Patrick
Monday, February 12, 2007
Dixie Chicks
They have been, and continue to get a lot of flack for including political commentary in their work "shut up and sing" I think is the refrain. Since when has art and politics/religion been separate? Commentary has always been a part of art, that's part of what draws us to it. Peisistratus an early tyrant (not the same meaning we currently assign to it) of Ancient Greece commissioned the first Tragedy to sing his praises to the people and so it begins...today that continues whether it be in a hymn praising Christ or in a song by the Dixie Chicks or Pink or Bob Dylan or Neil Young. If you don't like the message, fine don't listen. I'm an Atheist but I still find great beauty in religious music, especially when it is sung by a true believer with a great deal of passion.
Music that doesn't come from a place of passion and belief can hardly be called art.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Go forth and multiply
The big problem with this whole thing is not that people are against gay marriage, but that they seem so hot to pass a constitutional amendment banning it. I mean do we want another 3/5th's compromise on our record? Do we want to be that embarrassed by our own actions 50 or 60 years from now? Let's face it, if we had put Black civil rights up for a vote 40 years ago, how do you think they would have fared? How about 20 years ago? Or even today in some places. You can not legislate civil rights at the ballot box, it is perfectly appropriate for the judicial system to put it's mark on this issue just as they did in Brown v. Board of Education. I will say this, I am proud to live in the only state in the union to have legal gay marriage.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Nothing Political
BTW, that was a brutal performance by Rex Grossman last night, no? Ugh.
Last night was tough, I didn't have a dog in the fight after my Pats lost. I was kinda hoping the team busses would crash into each other.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Mooninite Hoax???
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Blogging for the Complete Idiot...
it's pretty silly to equate a typo in a press release with an inability to direct foreign policy. If that's there big beef with him shouldn't the right be up in arms about W's complete lack of an ability to articulate a complex thought? Or how about this story about Joe Biden
just silly. I mean is it news that Biden disagrees with his rivals for the nomination? Or is it that Riehl is implying that Joe somehow is a racist who doesn't think Blacks are clean? Ridiculous, this isn't Trent Lott we're talking about after all.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thankfully Curt has put all of this to rest by declaring this morning on the Dennis and Callahan Show that he WILL NOT be retiring after this season.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Callahan at it again
Do I think this is a huge milestone? No. The huge milestone will be when we have a minority or a female as president. We are so far behind the curve on this one in the developed world that it should be a great source of embarrassment. That doesn't mean you do it to so it, but certainly there have been minorities and women who have been supremely qualified to be our Commander in Chief, certainly more qualified than our current president.
I missed a couple of shows last week, I wonder if Callahan has apologized for propping up the Obama "Madrassa" story. Could there be a more clear cut case of "Swift Boating"?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Ed Brown Tax Prep
Monday, January 22, 2007
Ruby Ridge Part Deux?
I grew up in NH. I can't pretend this gives me any special insight into Mr. Brown's world but I certainly knew plenty of people who shared many of his views and would clearly count themselves as sympathizers. In fact a neighbor of mine was a bit unhinged in a similar way. Needless to say we didn't knock on his door come Halloween.
I'm interested to see how this plays out. He's got support coming from all sorts of directions on this one, hell nobody likes paying taxes though some of us view it as a necessary evil while others just view it as evil. Is this the next Ruby Ridge?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
In the beginning...
As long as I have been blogging I have been attracted to political blogs, and most recently I have become a regular reader of Callingallwingnuts.com by Mike Stark, Scoobie Davis Online and the Huffington Post. In a "know the enemy" effort I've also been a sometimes reader/commenter at right wing news and views and I often find myself at The Drudge Report.
It has been Mike Stark and his efforts in the Virgina Senate race and the plight/saga of Spocko of Spocko's brain that have inspired me to begin my own politically based blog. As I was thinking about doing this I struggled with what some of my topics might be...and it hit me...Spocko was exposing the hate speech being spewed at KSFO in San Francisco, maybe I could do something locally.
My radio listening habits have mainly been limited to the short drive taking my son to daycare in the morning and the occasional work related driving that I do. For the past couple of years I've alternated between Boston sports talk on WEEI (locally broadcast on WVEI) and Air America. Sadly in December AA ceased to exist in Boston (I really miss Stephanie Miller, that's good radio) so I am limited now to Dennis&Callahan on my morning drive. John Dennis was a local sports broadcaster for a number of years and Gerry Callahan (AKA Captain Forehead) is a writer and columnist for the local tabloid The Boston Herald.
Both men are to the right on the political spectrum (though Dennis has begun to express displeasure with W's handling of the war recently) and often the morning's subject matter turns to the topic of politics. Now you may be asking yourself "what are a couple of sports talk guys doing delving into politics"? Well your guess is as good as mine. They go off on a wide range of topics...by wide I mean sports, how much they hate liberals, how much Callahan LOVES W and their undying manlove for "24" and Jack Bauer.
What do these two boneheads have to do with this blog? Well, they (and more specifically Callahan) are my inspiration. If the hate at KSFO is worthy of being exposed, than so to are the rants that Callahan seems to go off on daily.
His current object of hate is Barack Obama. Whenever possible he refers to Senator Obama as "Barack Hussein Obama" in the Fox news mold. While I realize this is Obama's full name it's pretty clear that Callahan is only using his middle name in an effort to conflate the publics association of his name with that of Saddam Hussein.
On Wednesday January 17th the hosts of the D&C show were discussing "24" and the minor dust up of it's rightward leanings. Of course they defended the show as merely "realistic" and considered the scandal nothing. In fact they claimed that somehow the shows use of Muslims as terrorists was somehow doing real Muslims a favor by giving them jobs in Hollywood. Of course this ignores the fact that several of the actors portraying these terrorists are not actually Muslim (Kal Penn, Harry Lennix and Adoni Maropis to start).
Now in addition to this when naming the characters played by these men Callahan referred to one of the terrorists as "Obama" a clear attempt to associate Barack Obama with terrorists. Of course at every chance he gets Callahan likes to make sure everyone knows that the Democrats have no plan for Iraq and simply want to surrender.
While I may comment on a host of other issues, I will make a sincere effort to continue to bring the daily rantings of Gerry Callahan to you so you won't to listen yourself.